
Milwaukee Brand Launch

Goal: Launch 120 new Milwaukee items on Sherrilltree’s web store.


  • Group SKUs and Kits into product listings and categories

  • Organize product photos from 1,000s of vendor supplied images

  • Merchandise most relevant products for our customer base

  • Advertise via paid and organic social, email, SMS, and video

  • Manage product information team, staff graphic designer, and third party social, marketing, and advertising agencies

Milwaukee Video Content

I edited vendor-supplied commercials into a tree care specific Sherrilltree-branded ad for paid social and wrote a script for a professional voice actor.


Goal: Create an exciting brand activation for TreeStuff customers combining teamwork, puzzle solving, and tree climbing.


  • Research and map unique locations throughout Pittsburgh

  • Combine local trivia, orienteering, cyphers, and sponsor information to create a chain of clues only accessible by climbing trees

  • Design maps, puzzles, and handouts

  • Capture content to edit into post-event videos

Project Puerto Rico

Moving tree material with crane at Puerto Rico Olympic Park

Goal: Document company-sponsored volunteer work repairing tree damage from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.


  • Capture video of professional tree care in a variety of settings

  • Photograph our company’s house-branded products being used in the field

  • Write a press release and coordinate multiple local news interviews covering the project

  • Manage a freelance editor to create a project overview video

Volunteer pruning a tree in Puerto Rico Olympic Park